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:: About Us

           About Us
         In the year 1970, the people of Jain Community who were the residents of perambur area decided to start a Hindi Medium School, as there was no such school in this area. They approached the trustees of Sri Champalal Pagariya who promised to extent their full Co-operation  and support. Hence the members of Sri Shawetamber Sthanakwasi Jain Community formed an association Sangh and it was registered an 9th February 1971.
         In 1976 Sri. Champalal Pagariya Jain School was started by the Sangh, Sri. Amarchandji Kochar was the founder and Sri. Devilalji Bomb was appointed as the Correspondent, other office bearers were:-

01 Sri . Amarchandji Kochar President
02 Sri. Manmulji Jain    Vice President
03 Sri. Kishanlaji Bermecha  Vice President
04 Sri. Hamumanchandji Daffariya  Joint Secretary
05 Sri. Dhanrajji Nahta  Treasurer
06 Sri. Aurajji Bohra         Secretary

            After ten year in 1986, Smt. Chanda Bai Pagariya Jain Matric. School was started. The founder was Sr. Amarchandji Kochar who was also the chairman and Second Correspondent of Sri. Champalal School.
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